Spring 1
Week 1 – Spatial Awareness, Position & Direction
Week 2 – 2D Shape – 4 Sided Shapes
Week 3 - 2D Shape – Problem Solving & Spatial Awareness
Week 4 – 3D Shapes, Spatial Awareness, Position & Direction
Week 5 – Measures - Size & Length
Week 6 – Measures – Weight
Autumn 2 2024
Week 1 - Repeating Patterns continued
Continue, copy and create repeating patterns
Week 2 - Time
Use vocabulary like morning, afternoon, evening, night-time and earlier, later, too late, in a minute
Order daily routine
Name the days of the week, seasons (and months – beginning to)
Week 3 - 2D Shapes - Circles & Triangles
Name 2D shapes
Talk about the properties of 2D shapes
Week 4 - 2D Shapes - 4 Sided Shapes
Name 2D shapes
Talk about the properties of 2D shapes
Week 5 - 2D Shapes - 4 Sided Shapes continued
Name 2D shapes
Talk about the properties of 2D shapes
Compose and decompose shapes so that children recognise a shape can have other shapes inside it, just as numbers can
Autumn 1
Week beginning 30th September - Sorting
Sort objects using different criteria, explaining their choices/ reasoning
Week beginning 7th October - Sorting & Time (Night & Day)
Sort objects using different criteria, explaining their choices/ reasoning
Use vocabulary like ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’ and ‘night-time’, ‘earlier’, ‘later’, ‘too late’, ‘too soon’, ‘in a minute’.
Count down to forthcoming events on the calendar in terms of number of days or sleeps. Refer to the days of the week, and the day before or day after, ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’
Week beginning 14th October - Pattern
Continue, copy and create repeating patterns-including AB, ABB and ABBC
Week beginning 21st October - Pattern & Position & Direction
Continue, copy and create repeating patterns-including AB, ABB and ABBC
Discuss routes and locations, using words like ‘in front of’ and ‘behind’.
Understand position words