Wow - year 1 have had a brilliant start to the new year and are really firing on all cylinders!
This week, we have celebrated a whole-school faith week. This has been a brilliant opportunity to learn about different religions with a specific focus on how they might practise their faith at home. In year one, we chose to focus on Christianity and Hinduism. We learnt about different festivals that are celebrated in these religions and made some comparisons between them.
We learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi and why and how this is celebrated. The children worked in small groups to show what they had learnt by drawing scenes of Holi celebrations taking place inside and outside the home.
In DT, we began our new food technology project where our design brief is: To design and make a healthy fruit kebab. We began the design process by evaluating a range of fruit kebabs to help us to come up with our own design criteria.
“This one is all just banana - it is a bit boring!”
“This one is all yellow.”
“This one is very colourful.”
“The pieces are too big!”
“ This one has different fruits on - it looks yummy!”