We all had a wonderful visit to Leeds Playhouse this week to watch 'Mr Snow'. The children were impeccably behaved, joined in enthusiastically and devoured their ice creams! We hope that this was a memorable and enjoyable experience for them.
This week, we completed our drawing pathway in Art. The children learnt how artists use sketch-books as a place to collect ideas for their art-work. Miss Richards kindly brought in some of her own sketch books to show the children how she used them to support her art-work. The children enjoyed creating their very own sketch-books which they can keep in their trays to access during provision time.
We also learnt about observational drawing and the children looked carefully at a variety of spiral-shaped shells before using a variety of tools to draw them. We were so impressed by how focussed the children were and how much detail they included in their drawings.
Finally, we reflected upon our learning journey by thinking about what we had liked and learnt.
Henry C - " I liked using the charcoal because it was smooth."
Ava - " I liked drawing on the black paper because I liked how the colours looked on it."
Lucy - " I learnt that you can draw on any surface."
Shivani - " I didn't like drawing on the playground because it was too bumpy."
Felix - " I learnt that you can press hard or light with your pencil and you can see the line lighter or darker."