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Year 6

We are committed to safeguarding; if you have any concerns about the well being of a child in school please contact a member of staff.

Welcome to our Year 6 Class Page



Good Luck Year 6 - you've got this!

Remember to be in school at 8:30am for breakfast!


Remember that you need your PE kit on Tuesday and THURSDAY this week - kids v parents rounders match.



PE: From 15th April, our PE days will be TUESDAY (outdoor) and FRIDAY (outdoor).


News Flash:

Please let us know if you have any transition dates from your high schools as soon as you get them, as we often find out much later than you do!


We need to get back into the habit of bringing homework and SIGNED school diaries into school every FRIDAY. (Diaries should be in school every day so that notes can be written in there when necessary).  Please note that they should be SIGNED BY A PARENT/ GRANDPARENT.  


Please also remember to complete Boom Reader when you read at home.


Welcome to Year 6 and we hope you enjoy reading our class page.


Your teaching team will be Miss Hicks, Mrs Myers and Mrs Meek. Miss Hicks will teach all day on a Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Myers will teach every Wednesday morning, alternate Wednesday afternoons and all day Thursday and Friday. Mrs Meek will be supporting the class on Monday – Friday mornings and will teach on alternate Wednesday afternoons. 

Topic information will be updated ready for the start of each half term. 



Please note: if your child walks to school and therefore brings their mobile phone with them, they will need to hand them in to us, in the classroom at the start of the day; they will be stored securely in the school office.  Please remind children that for safeguarding reasons, phones must be turned off once they are on the school site



Please ensure that you are wearing your PE uniform with suitable sports trainers, have long hair tied up and earrings either removed or covered with a plaster – before you come to school! 


Upcoming Events:

  • W/c Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May - SATs Week.
  • Thursday 16th May (afternoon) - Y6 v Parents rounders match TBC.
  • Friday 24th May - TRAINING DAY.
  • Tuesday 4th June (2.00pm - 3.00pm) - Y6 Parent Event - open afternoon.
  • Monday 10th June - Lego Fairground workshop.
  • Wednesday 10th June - Sports Day 2024.
  • Thursday 18th July (morning - times TBC) - Y6 Leavers' Service at St. Oswald's Church.


Latest News:


Bikeability this week!  WRAP UP WARM!!


We can be flexible about when children bring bikes/ collect bikes but please try to ensure all bikes are taken home by Friday - or pleas contact us if this is a problem.



Homework expectations:

In preparation for the children being ‘High School Ready’ homework will be planned in the following way:

  • Weekly times tables test to be marked in class - this will be on a WEDNESDAY.
  • Children have received their 10-minute test revision guides which will form the basis of this homework.  They will have one for English and one for maths.  Please ensure that children have a go at all the activities in the 10-minute test and feel free to guide them, should they need some help.  PLEASE CAN YOU GO THROUGH THESE WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND MARK THEM - ANSWERS ARE IN THE BACK.  We will clarify any queries that the children may have ON A FRIDAY so children MUST bring them into school on a Friday morning (this will be monitored).  
  • Spellings – The children will have weekly spellings tests ON A TUESDAY based on spelling patterns and a list of statutory Y5/Y6 words. Following the test in class, words that the children will need to learn again will be recorded in their spelling books and we ask that you revise these with your child at home. 
  • TTRS - this will be used as part of the homework and we expect children to be accessing this regularly. 
  • Reading – Please use BoomReader to record the reading you have been doing at home - THIS IS MONITORED IN SCHOOL. 
  • Homework diaries are an important tool for the children to become independent and high school ready. These will be given to the children when they start Year 6.  Please ensure that they are  brought into school EVERY DAY BUT ARE SIGNED BEFORE FRIDAY.  Children will be writing their new homework, spellings, tables etc in there too so please ensure that they bring them in.  PLEASE ENSURE THAT THESE ARE IN ON A FRIDAY AS WE WILL LOOK AT THESE FOR ANY PARENT QUERIES.

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings

Calculation Policy for Mathematics. How we teach calculations in year 6

Maths Vocabulary for Year 6. Here are the key mathematical terms and the vocabulary we will use with the children.

Year 6 Long division

As per our calculation policy, this is the method that children in year 6 must use when completing long division.
