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Bonjour!  We will be continuing with our fantastic KAPOW! programme of teaching.  



Shopping in France

The children will:

  • learn to construct high numbers in French;
  • develop food-related vocabulary through games, stories and role-play;
  • build on their understanding of sentence structures, questions and phrases, equipping themselves with language they could use when shopping in France.
  • They will also develop their language detective skills, facing an entirely unfamiliar authentic French text.


French Verbs

The children will:

  • Attempt to read new verbs aloud with confidence and mostly accurate pronunciation.
  • Create an opinion phrase using one of the new verbs.
  • Work together to visually and orally present a verb in at least three different forms, with the appropriate pronoun.
  • Work together to build a verb spinner and use it to generate appropriate phrases.
  • Recognise and recall different parts of verbs avoir and être.
  • Create an original short text, correctly adapting a range of verbs to their appropriate form.


Au revoir!

