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  • PARENTS' EVENING - Tuesday 4th October

    Fri 30 Sep 2016


    Tuesday 4th October


    The autumn term parents meeting is a time for you to meet your child’s teacher to ensure your child has made a secure transition to the expectations of the new year group. 


    You will find the key objectives for maths and English for each year group on the website class pages.  This is a useful guide to the key learning for your child’s current year group, and provides clear information about academic expectations for the end of the year.


    Some parents have already met with class teachers, and/or with Mrs Questa – our specialist literacy teacher - if more in depth conversations about support were needed at the start of the year.  If you have specific concerns about your child’s progress that require a longer conversation please contact your class teacher to arrange a separate appointment.  Similarly, if teachers have specific concerns about one of their pupils they will also initiate a separate meeting.   This ensures that the autumn term 5 minute meetings work effectively as a ‘check in’ for those children who are progressing through school as expected.


    We will endeavor to run to time for the parent meetings.  Please help us with this!  The class teachers host the parent meetings on top of a full day of teaching, and these meetings are in addition to the administrative workloads of planning and marking for the next day, and teachers have to be back into school – with books marked and lessons prepared - the following morning!


    Mr Elliot – school Assessment and Standards Leader - is working with the teachers on a format for a more detailed written progress report for parents towards the end of this term.  More information to follow...
