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    Fri 14 Oct 2016

    Reception were absolutely amazing in the Harvest festival! Mrs Swift and Mrs Wilson were both nearly crying because the children were so good! All the children joined in with the singing and the actions and it was fantastic to see them with big smiles on their faces. The children  were so proud of themselves afterwards and all the staff in Reception think they showed huge amounts of courage singing in front of so many people for the first time.


    Reception have had a busy couple of weeks in the run up to Harvest;  we have been learning about harvest and about how a combine harvester works! We learnt about where our breakfast comes from and enjoyed tasting some cereal and toast. We used our maths skills to create repeating patterns with fruits and vegetables and sorted different food types. This week we have been learning about British Values which are an important part of our school and thinking about becoming superhero learners. The children amazed us with their knowledge of the British value of democracy. We also learnt about the British values of individual liberty, mutual tolerance and respect and the rule of the law. We created our own superhero rules for the classroom. Mrs Swift and Mrs Letheren have noticed that the children have really settled into school life now. Well done Reception! You deserve a big rest over half term!

  • Year 6 Residential

    Thu 13 Oct 2016

    ETA for the return of year 6 on Friday is currently 5 p.m.   

    We'll inform parents by text if there are any changes to the return time on the day.


    If you'd like to find out what our year 6 children have been up to on their residential to Robin Wood this week you can visit the class blog:  

    or follow the web-link at the bottom of the year 6 class page.

  • Come and join us for a Harvest celebration

    Mon 10 Oct 2016

    We are looking forward to the Harvest Celebration at school on Tuesday 11th November, at 10 a.m. I hope parents will  be able to join us.


    The Harvest celebration is an opportunity for our children and families to support the fantastic work done by St George's Crypt to provide food and shelter for homeless people on the streets of Leeds.


    We would be grateful if you could send any of the following items in with your child on Monday or Tuesday in preparation for the Harvest Celebration:

    • Tea
    • Coffee
    • Beans
    • Tinned fruit
    • Tinned meat/fish


    Thank you for your continued support of our children and our school.
