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Autumn 2 Shape, Space & Measure

Week 1 - Repeating Patterns continued

Continue, copy and create repeating patterns


Week 2 - 2D Shapes - Circles & Triangles

Name 2D shapes

Talk  about the properties of 2D shapes


Week 3 - Time

Use vocabulary like morning, afternoon, evening, night-time and earlier, later, too late, in a minute

Order daily routine

Name the days of the week


Week 4 - 2D Shapes - 4 Sided Shapes

Name 2D shapes

Talk about the properties of 2D shapes


Week 5 - 2D Shapes - 4 Sided Shapes continued

Name 2D shapes

Talk about the properties of 2D shapes

Compose and decompose shapes so that children recognise a shape can have other shapes inside it, just as numbers can


Week 6-7 - 3D Shapes & Spatial Awareness

Name 2D shapes

Talk about the properties of 2D shapes

