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Week 1

What a fantastic start to year 1! We have been absolutely blown away by how quickly the children have settled into their new routines and can't believe just how amazing they have been. 


We started our history learning this week; our enquiry question for this topic is 'How have toys changed in the last 100 years?'. We began by exploring modern toys that the children play with today thinking about their design and what they are made out of. We were so impressed with how quickly the children picked up new vocabulary and used this in their independent work.

We have also made a start on our first DT project of the year which is all about designing and making animal puppets to use to perform a puppet show to the children in reception. 


This week, the children really enjoyed exploring existing products to find out what puppets are made from and how they are made. As a class, we came up with 3 things that make a good puppet and will try hard to remember these when designing our own later in the half term!

Finally, the children completed the 3rd read of their Read, Write Inc books today so we have sent a copy of these home so that the children can show off their fantastic reading to you over the weekend. Please return these to school on Monday.


Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine!
