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Week 1

This week, we have had a whole school themed week around our school vision. In year 1, we focussed on the statement 'you are loved' and looked at the story of 'The Good Samaritan' and how this reflects our vision. We were so impressed with the children's understanding!


We have started our new DT project this week and our design brief is to create a healthy fruit kebab for the children and their parents to enjoy at our next parent event. We began by looking at some different fruit kebabs and considering what was good and not so good about them.


"The pieces are huge!"

"On this one the pieces are too small!"

"This one is all just melon - it is a bit boring!"

"This one has lots of different fruit on."

"This one is a bit dull - it is all yellow."


The children then came up with their own design criteria. They decided that a good fruit kebab would:

Be colourful

Have medium sized pieces

Have different fruit on that they like.


In maths, we have begun our new unit on place value in numbers up to 20. The children enjoyed a practical lesson where they used different resources to represent the number in 3 different ways thinking about showing the tens and ones. We were very impressed with their understanding!

"18 has a ten and 8 ones."

"18 is less than 19 because it has fewer ones."

"I need 8 ones for 18 so I need to get 4 more ones."
