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Reception Blogs Summer 1

The time is flying!

Last week, our learning was based around one of our favourite stories - We're Going on a Bear Hunt! After lots of reading and dramatising the story, the children created, illustrated, wrote and performed their own versions - We're Going on a Chick Hunt! We are SO excited to continue this theme next week during our trip to Skelton Grange on Thursday!

Our first focus this week was learning all about food groups and where food comes from. The children enjoyed taste testing lots of animal products, talking out where each one comes from. They absolutely loved shaking the cream until they turned it into butter! We have been talking about the different food groups of fruit and vegetables, dairy, protein and carbohydrates, and about how each one helps our bodies to stay healthy, grow and repair itself. The children were excited to tell me about all the brightly coloured healthy foods that they had been eating at home such as broccoli, carrots, strawberries, cucumber, apples, meatballs, peas and kidney beans – what super healthy children they are!

This week, we have also started our new RE unit – Which religious stories are special and why? We have recapped the many Bible stories that the children already know (impressive!) and discussed the Old and New Testament, linking them to the birth of Jesus. Some children have listened to, sequenced and written about a new story – Jonah and the Whale. Next week, the remaining children will do the same for Jesus heals the Blind Man. They have made excellent links to our RESPECT Code during all this learning. Finally, we will all focus on a special story from another faith – Rama and Sita, Hinduism – to expand the children’s knowledge and understanding of other faiths and beliefs.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

The Reception Team 😊

Reception are ‘on fire’!

We can’t believe we’re halfway through this half term already! It’s been a brilliant first three weeks! πŸ˜Š

Obviously, looking after the chicks has been a real highlight and, whilst saying goodbye was a little sad, the children have learnt so much! We have loved looking at their chick homework and really appreciate you supporting them with this.

Following a democratic vote, we have now named our class Cherry Farm! This week, the children have been learning more about the differences between the human and physical features of towns/ cities and the countryside. We have talked about the Countryside Code and the importance of follow these simple rules to keep safe and protect our beautiful countryside.

We have also started a DT (Design Technology) activity this week, where the children use a slider mechanism to create a moving chick picture. They were all desperate to do this activity and have worked really hard on drawing around templates, cutting out and joining independently. If they haven’t yet competed this activity, they will get chance next week, and we’ll post photos on Tapestry.

The children are continuing to ‘wow’ us with their amazing maths! Over the past 3 weeks, they have learnt about odd and even numbers, doubles, sharing between 2/ halving, addition using tens frames and counting on mentally. Very impressive Reception!

The response to our reading challenge has been fantastic! The children are really excited to show us how many times they have read each week and, of course, to collect their house points! Keep going everyone! It’s fantastic to see their confidence and enthusiasm for reading continue to grow. πŸ˜Š

We have also really been encouraging the children to write independently this week and have noticed a real surge in their enthusiasm. Many children have started writing little stories in mini books and some are keen to make mini maths books full of doubles and additions too. We really hope this continues and, if your child is keen to do anything like this it home, we would love to see them in class.

Have a lovely long weekend!

The Reception Team 😊

