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Autumn Term

Paint and Sculpture 

Bonfire Night – colour mixing

Continue to mix colours experientially (progression form year 1)

Revisit colour mixing and understand relationships of primary and secondary colours and apply colour mixing skills to a project (bonfire night, links with history) and exploring colour and paint!


Explore painting on different surfaces.

Use new colour mixing knowledge and transfer it to other media, e.g. soft pastel colour mixing in drawing project

or painting with plasticine

Use the correct amount of paint and water on their brush for the effect that they want on paper.

Begin to explore different thickness of brush for different effects on paper.



Clay pots

Explore how 2d can become 3d

Explore modelling materials such as Modroc, clay and plasticine in an open-ended manner, to discover what they might do.

Explore using clay to design and create something with a purpose (clay pots)

Join two finger pots together (progression from EYFS)  


Spring Term

Quentin Blake

Develop mark-making skills through experimentation with various drawing media: pencil, graphite, chalk, soft pastel, wax and charcoal.


Explore a variety of drawing starting points (stimuli), including close looking via observation from primary & secondary source material, drawing from memory and imagination. These might include plants, still life and landscape



Use drawings as basis for collage (habitat project)


Summer Term


Habitats collage

Explore creating individual and group collages.

Use different types of materials on a collage and explain why they have chosen them.

Explore using a repeated pattern in a collage.

Use drawing skills as a basis for collage.
