Welcome to the School Council section of the website.
In this section we hope tell you a bit about the school council and update you on any events that we run throughout the year.
Who is in the school council?
Year One - Erin and Jensen Year Two - Henry and Chloe Year Three- Arthur and Dylan Year Four- James and Olivia Year Five- Jacob and Theo Year Six- Isabella, Ben and Florence
What is the school council?
Two children from year groups 1-6 come together to form the school council. The school council represent the voice of the pupils and are responsible for raising concerns of their peers. The school council, who are supported by Mr Elliot, then make decisions to act on the issues raised.
What do we do?
The school council organise events to raise money for the school charity. They have monthly meetings with their class and pass on any suggestions to relevant staff members. They have suggestions boxes in every classroom which the school council monitor regularly.
When do we meet?
The school council meet with Mr Elliot every month.
Collingham Lady Elizabeth Hastings School Council Constitution
- To give pupils the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone.
- For pupils to work as partners with staff, developing a caring school community
- To provide all pupils with opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives.
- To involve pupils in solving problems and resolving conflicts.
- Elections will be run without prejudice or discrimination.
- Any class member is entitled to run for Pupil council and the decision in each class will be made by a secret ballot.
- Children wishing to be considered for school council will need to present a speech to their class giving clear reasons and examples of why they are the most suitable candidate for the job.
The School Council
- Each class from Year 2 upwards will elect two children to be their representatives.
- The school council will be made up of two representatives from each class.
- The school council will meet once a month.
- The school council will elect an executive committee to serve the school for a year.
- The executive committee will consist of a chairperson and a vice-chairperson.
- The vice-chairperson will take minutes of the school council meetings. These will be distributed to classes to make sure everyone knows about the activities of the council.
Responsibilities of the executive committee
- The executive committee is responsible for managing the activities of the council; for instance, planning meetings, talking with the link teacher (Mr Elliot).
- The executive committee should make sure that any issues dealt by the school council and class councils are within the guidelines that have been agreed.
- The chairperson and vice-chairperson are responsible for running meetings, giving everyone an equal chance to have their say, and making sure the council comes up with practical solutions to problems.
Responsibilities of pupil councillors
- Class representatives will report back to their class after every school council meeting.
- A class council meeting will be held once a fortnight.
- Class representatives will take issues brought up by their class to the school council. They should put across the views of their class, not their own opinions.
The school council Rules
All Pupil Council members must:
- Be respectful and listen to others.
- Contribute or participate actively in meetings.
- Follow the school rules and be role models to other pupils.
- Model good behaviour at all times.
- Be polite and courteous to others.
- Not refer to specific individuals or groups during discussions.
- Use their position on Pupil Council to support and develop their school and peers and not abuse this position in any way.
School Council Charities for 2023/24
Shelter Box and Wetherby Food Bank