All staff have a responsibility to support the development of the whole child and members of staff are always available to speak to pupils who have concerns.
Mrs Shaw's Groups
Mrs Shaw works with individual and small groups of children to develop to develop positive self-esteem; foster positive emotional development; social skills and friendships. Mrs Shaw uses a variety of programmes developed by professionals to support our pupils. Her role includes working with pupils with anger management issues, bereavement and loss, low self-esteem, emotional health and friendship groups.
During a bubble closure, Mrs Shaw will aim to make telephone contact with families where children are accessing a high level of SEMH support.
Mindmate and PSHE Curriculum
As a school, we also deliver the ‘MindMate’ curriculum, where children are taught about a variety of topics covering SEMH.
We also work with outside agencies such as CAMHS (Child and Adult Mental Health Services). These can be accessed through your GP or through our support from EPOSS. School cannot directly refer to CAMHS but we will always support a referral if we feel it would be beneficial.
Parents can also find information on the Leeds MindMate SPA website:
EPOSS - We can refer children and families to our Family Outreach Workers if needed. They can provide support in school for children and within the home for families. This all depends on what different children need.
SENIT - We can access support from our inclusion team. These are a group of advisory teachers and support workers who support schools across the city.