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Our topic for Autumn 1 will be 'Toy Time Travellers'. 


In History - Our enquiry question will be 'How have Toys changed in the last 100 years?


To help answer our enquiry question, we will have a key question to answer in each of our lessons.

Lesson 1: What are our toys like today?

Lesson 2: Who plays with these toys?

Lesson 3: What toys did people (parents/grandparents) play with in the past and how do we know?

Lesson 4: How can we tell these toys are old?

Lesson 5: How can we set up our own toy museum?


In Art - Our enquiry question will be 'How can we use our whole bodies to make drawings?


Area(s) of making: Drawing and sketchbooks, collage.

Formal Elements: Line, colour, shape, texture

Pathway: Spirals


Our key knowledge is:

  • Drawing is a physical and emotional activity. That when we draw, we can move our whole body.
  • That we can control the lines we make by being aware of how we hold a drawing tool, how much pressure we apply, and how fast or slow we move.
  • That we can control the lines we make by being aware of how we hold a drawing tool, how much pressure we apply, and how fast or slow we move.
  • That we can use colour to help our drawings engage others.
  • That we can draw from imagination.
  • That we understand what a sketchbook is.
  • That we can use a sketchbook for personal creative exploration.
  • That we can draw from observation.
  • That we can experiment with mark making through exercises such as continuous line drawing.
  • That we can create drawings in our sketchbooks.
  • That we can talk respectfully about our own work and the work of others in a peer discussion.
  • That we can display the work made over the half term.


Our key skills are:

  •  Pupils become familiar with creating drawings using their whole body, whilst experiencing a range of drawing materials.
  • Pupils discover an artist and will demonstrate their understanding of the artist’s work by responding through a making challenge and peer discussion.
  • Pupils consolidate their understanding of how they can make spiral drawings using their whole bodies by making “snail drawings”.
  • Pupils push exploration of different qualities of line, colour blending, and mark making using chalk and oil pastels.
  • Pupils become familiar with what a sketchbook can be used for. They will make or personalise their own sketchbooks, demonstrating that they have ownership of their sketchbook and understand that it is a platform for personal creative risk taking.
  • Pupils become familiar with the idea that they can make drawings through observation.
  • Pupils show an understanding of what a continuous line drawing is and have had the opportunity to experiment with scale, line and materials.
  • Pupils reflect on their drawings over the half term, sharing what they like and what they would like to try again through peer discussion.





