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Continue - Drugs, alcohol and tobacco: weighing up risks.

  • Pupils learn about the risks associated with using different drugs, including tobacco and nicotine products, alcohol, solvents, medicines and other legal and illegal drugs;

  • Pupils learn about assessing the level of risk in different situations involving drug use;


    Pupils learn about ways to manage risk in situations involving drug use;


Mindmate: Feeling good and being me.


This unit focuses on who and what they are influenced by.  They will discuss why they are influenced and whether this is a positive or negative influence.  Children will develop an understanding of the difference between physical, mental and emotional health and will know that each is important in order to live a happy and healthy life.  Children will identify some strategies for dealing with negative influences.


RSE (Relationships & Sex Education):

Due to the nature of this topic, we do not write the specific learning objectives on this web page.  If you should require any further information, please refer to the letter sent out before Christmas, or e-mail the Y6 teachers.  Thank you for your understanding.
