In Key Stage 1, the focus is on the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination whilst in Key Stage 2 this is developed into cognitive, physical and manipulation skills. These skills are transferable and are taught in a spiral curriculum. This means that we look to embed and contextualise the skills during each academic year. Then, as the children progress through school, there is a vertical increase in the levels of challenge in each of the skill areas. This is best explained with the following analogy: "A child in reception is taught how to balance on one leg.; In year 6 they are taught how and when to apply side steps in a game situation. Each year sees a vertical progression in the end of year expectation between the two points. but within the year, the full range of skills is taught. This is designed to give child a full physical literacy tool kit.
Each PE lesson adds and supports the ongoing development of all pupils and aims for all pupils to feel the benefits of an active lifestyle. PE Partner deliver a lesson for 1 hour per week to every child from Reception to year 6.