In year 4, homework activities are a vital part of our home/school partnership and all children are expected to take part in a variety of homework tasks to enhance and support learning work in class.
Our homework is designed to:
If there are specific ongoing issues with any aspect of your child’s homework, please contact the school office to arrange a telephone appointment.
Reading is fundamental. In fact, it is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be. Reading develops your brain, provides a window into the world around you and gives you a greater chance to succeed. It is paramount that you support your child by hearing them at least four times a week. Thank you!
Our book changing day is Wednesday!
Spelling and spelling accuracy is a fundamental element of being a successful writer. To be able to spell words quickly and with fluency will support children to be the best that they can be. We follow a specific spelling scheme called Read Write Inc. to support our delivery of the English curriculum. Spelling homework will be set weekly. The spellings set follow the spelling patterns covered in class learning and include common exception words in KS1 and tricky words in KS2. The spelling test will take place on Friday mornings.
It is important that you support your child to learn, practice and remember these spellings. Thank you!
As you may be aware there have been recent changes to the National Curriculum. One of the major changes is that children should be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12, by the end of year 4.
Being able to quickly recall number facts (including times tables) is crucial for most Maths concepts and children who don’t know their multiplication facts will fall behind in Maths. Children should learn their times tables in order, out of order and learn the division facts for that times table.
Children will use SumDog to practise their times tables. This is a fun and interactive online programme which the pupils can securely log into in school and at home and practise rapid recall of their multiplication facts.
A weekly times tables test will take place on a Wednesday. At first, this will focus on a particular times table before moving on to a mixture of times tables up to 12x12.
From the week commencing 11.11.24, our focus will be on the 4 and 8 times tables.
Children will continue to work on their Read Write Inc. Spellings in school, any words they spell incorrectly or find tricky during in their spelling lessons will be recorded in their log book. These should be brought in to school every day.
SUMDOG - SUMDOG is a brilliant tool for Maths learning. Activities on the app begin at a KS1 level, however the more time logged on SUMDOG, the harder the challenges get.
TIMES TABLES ROCKSTARS - Children can access TT Rockstars easily online; please follow the information on your child's sheet. Alternatively, you can download the app on any Apple/Android device by searching for Times Tables Rockstars. It is recommended that that your child does a little bit of times table practice every night.
If you require your child's log in details please email the school office or call in to the classroom at the end of the day.
TIMES TABLES - The children will all start on the 'Finalist Level' and once they have completed that level they will then progress on to the next one. The children progress by answering all the questions correctly. Details of what is expected at each level and an example of each test is below.
Finalist Level - We know our 2, 5 and 10 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in three minutes
Bronze Level - We know our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in three minutes
Silver Level - We know our 3, 4, 6 and 11 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in three minutes
Gold Level - We know our 7, 8, 9 and 12 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in three minutes
Champions Level - We know our tables up to the 12 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in three minutes.
Olympic Level - We know our tables up to the 12 times table and can recall 100 multiplication and division questions in three minutes.
For the first week of our Times Tables, the children need to practice their 2, 5 and 10 times tables, ready for Wednesday. They do not need to bring evidence in, but will be tested on these during the week.
Day/date for completion: Weekly times tables test