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During Autumn 1 we will be learning about God and our key question will be 'What do Christians believe God is like?'


During this topic we will discuss the following questions:

1. Who is God?

2. What is a parable?

3. What do Christians learn from the parable of the Lost Son?

4. How do Christians show their love for God? (Impact)

5. Why is forgiveness so important? (Connections)


Our key vocabulary will be:

God, Christians, Bible, Symbol, Parable, The Lost Son, Forgiveness, Meaning, Jesus, Prayer/Praying


By the end of the unit, pupils will know that:

  • Christians believe in God, and that they find out about God in the Bible.
  • Christians believe God is loving, kind, fair and forgiving, and also Lord and King.
  • Some stories show these Christian beliefs.
  • Christians worship God and try to live in ways that please him.


Pupils are also expected to be able to:

  • Identify what a parable is.
  • Tell the story of the Lost Son from the Bible simply and recognise a link with the concept of God as a forgiving Father.
  • Give an example of how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship; by saying sorry to God, for example.
  • Give clear, simple accounts of what the story means to Christians.
  • Give at least two examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving; for example, by saying sorry; by seeing God as welcoming them back; by forgiving others.
  • Think, talk and ask questions about whether they can learn anything from the story for themselves, exploring different ideas.