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During Autumn 2 we will be learning about God and our key question will be 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?'


During this topic we will discuss the following questions:

  1. How and why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
  2. Why is Jesus important to Christians?
  3. What is a Gospel and, can you retell the key parts of the Christmas story?
  4. How to Christians use the story of the Nativity to guide their beliefs and actions at Christmas?
  5. What are you thankful for at Christmas?
  6. Why is Advent an important time for Christians and how do they show this?


Key Vocabulary:

Celebrate, tradition, Christmas, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ, church, Bible, belief, believe, The Big Story, human form, Incarnation, pray, prayer, praise, Gospel, good news, rich/ poor, thankfulness, Advent, wreath, Nazareth, Bethlehem, manger, king, saviour, angel 
