For the Autumn 1 half term, Year 1 will have 4 phonics lessons across the week. As well as the phonics lessons, Year 1 will have one 'Big Write' a week as well as daily sessions focused around a text/story. This half term we will also have a grammar or a comprehension lesson on a Friday. This half term we will look at nouns, verbs and adjectives as well as beginning to look at question and exclamation marks. When the children are not working directly with an adult they will be completing independent tasks which will be based around cursive writing, tricky words and writing in full sentences. Some of the independent work will also be based around texts we are doing in class.
The Big Write will be on a Wednesday this half term. The main focus will be for the children to write in full sentences. We will particularly focus on capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, writing on the line, letters the right way round, using our phonics, remembering our tricky words and beginning to write in cursive.
Our Big Write focus will change each week and will always be set as homework the week before so children can prepare for it. We will also discuss the Big Write in school on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.