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With the exception of phonics and some mathematics, all our learning in Reception is topic based. The curriculum in Reception is holistic and not separated into subjects. The curriculum is set out into areas of learning. We have one topic that covers all areas of learning. We do not always explicitly make links to these areas when talking to the children about topic learning. However, when teachers plan topic learning, it is planned using these areas. As parents, we realise that you might like to know which areas of the curriculum the topic learning links to and so we have provided the curriculum links for you. Please note that all learning that takes place in Reception covers all the areas of learning, however the links provided are the ones that we are particularly focusing on that week. Literacy (reading and writing) and Mathematics opportunities provided as part of all topic learning that we do. In order to prepare the children for Year One we will, where appropriate, link learning to the national curriculum subjects such as History, Science, Geography. When planning for our topic, we will also take into account our whole school curriculum drivers and plan learning that incorporates these.


Below is a key for the areas of learning;


PSED= Personal, Social and Emotional development

C&L= Communication and Language

PD= Physical development

UW= Understanding the world

EAD= Expressive Arts and Design.


Our new topic is called  Welcome to... Farm 


Wk bg 03.06.24 What can stories and rhymes tell us about the past? This week will be a history focused week, we will be looking at the nursery rhymes- Polly put the kettle on, Wee Willy Winky and Jack and Jill and thinking about what clues they give us about life in the past. We will be looking at some artefacts from the past and thinking about what they might have been used for.


Wk bg 10.06.24- Who is Kandinsky? This week we will an art focus week. We will be learning about the artist Kandinsky and thinking about his style of art. We will be making Father's Day cards in the style of Kandinsky


Wk bg 17.06.24 What happens to a seed as it grows? This week will be a science focused week, we will be learning about the Life Cycle of an Apple seed, we will be thinking about what we get from plants and sorting and classifying some plants.


Wk bg 24.06.24- French Week

This week we will be having a French themed week, we will be recapping all the French learning we have done over the year and thinking about some similarities and differences between France and England.


Wk bg 01.07.24- What does a plant need to grow?

This week we be another science focused week, we will be drawing and labelling a plant and thinking about what it needs to grow. We will be reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and having a go at growing our own beanstalks!


Wk bg 08.06.24- Re Focus Week- See RE section for further details









