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Physical development

Our PE day this half term will be FRIDAY. During this lesson the children will focus on particular skills and aspects of PE. However the children have access to physical development opportunities every day both inside and outside of the classroom. Physical development in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is a prime area of development.  Part of this includes developing children’s knowledge and skills in taking responsibility for their own health and self –care. The EYFS states that ‘children manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully including dressing and going to the toilet independently’. In order to help the children achieve the Early Learning Goal in health and self-care please ensure that the children are dressing themselves as much as possible at home.


When possible, we will try to get outside to enjoy the fresh air whilst exercising, so please ensure that your child comes to school in kit appropriate for all weathers! We will focus on the key skills of agility, balance, space and co-ordination through individual and whole class activities and games.


We will be continuing to prepare for their first school sports day by practising various races, plus field events such as the bean bag throw, football dribble and even javelin! We will also continue to practise and improve our sending and receiving skills using a variety of balls, and hopefully fit in some gymnastics too! 




