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Week 4

This week, in DT, our focus has been around developing the skills that we will need to make our fruit kebabs. The children considered good food hygiene practises and why they were important.


" We should put our hair back so hair doesn't go in the food."

"We should wash our hands."

" We should wear an apron."

"We should clean the tables and the boards."


Then, we looked at which food processing skills we might need to make our kebabs. The children decided that we might need chopping, peeling and threading. We learnt the 'fork secure' method as a really safe way of chopping for children to use. The children worked in small groups to practise this method to chop up pieces of apple. We were very impressed by their focus and determination. Well done year 1! We are looking forward to making ( and eating!) our fruit kebabs with you at our parent event next week.

We also had a visit from Dside Dave who came to talk to the children about keeping ourselves safe on the internet. He talked to the children about what the internet is, devices we can access the internet on and what information we shouldn’t share online. He also talked to the children about 3 simple rules they can follow to keep themselves safe online:
1. Ask a grown up if it is ok to go on a device first.

2. Stick to sites that are just right for us.

3. Don’t share information about ourselves online. 

The children really enjoyed this session which included: games, activities and lots of useful information. 
