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Year 2

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Welcome to Year 2! 


 Your teaching team is Mrs Hughes, Miss Lilley, Mrs Shaw and Miss Richards.

  • Monday-Wednesday: Mrs Hughes
  • Wednesday afternoons: alternate Mrs Hughes and Miss Lilley
  • Thursday-Friday: Miss Lilley
  • Tuesday-Friday mornings: Mrs Shaw
  • Monday mornings: Miss Richards


Our PE days will be Mondays (indoors) and Fridays (outdoors). Please send your child in their PE kit on these days (see our Uniform Policy for more details).


Topic information will be updated ready for the start of each half term, and photographs will be updated after each event.



We hope you are all well and have had a great break. 


Mrs Hughes, Miss Lilley, Mrs Shaw and Miss Richards.

The Year 2 Teamsmiley

Thank you!

Thank you so much for the lovely gift cards. We have had a great year with your lovely children and we really appreciate all your kind wishes, support and generosity. Have a great summer and do take care.

Warmest regards,

The Year 2 team


Last words - I've had a super last year at Collingham with the lovely Year 2 children. They are a great class. I will miss everyone very much but I'm sure I will be popping in from time to time to say hi and see how everyone is doing.

Thanks again for your very generous gifts,

Mrs Hughes

Update 4/7/24

Wow, we can't believe it's transition week next week. It's going to be a very busy week. The children are very excited about moving to Year 3. They are so grown up now and are ready for the next step into KS2. They come to Year 2 as usual on Monday morning - see school email for details - then to Year 3 for the rest of the week.

It's also our final parent event on Wednesday. We are really looking forward to catching up with you all one last time in Year 2. It's an art theme and will be great.

Reading books - we are not giving out reading books now as we are collecting them all ready for transfer. The children have chosen their next books so these will go to Year 3 and be ready to take home in September. Please bring in reading books if you haven't already done so and we'll add them to the collection. Thank you. Lots of the children are bringing books in to read during reading sessions now which is lovely. They are also enjoying choosing books from our class library. They are enjoying exploring different types of books and some are really 'getting into' non fiction books and love telling me all sorts of fascinating facts they have learnt. Did you know that woodlice have 14 legs! smiley Others have a passion for stories and love to read a group text where they all read the same book together and share ideas about what's going on in the story - a 'book club' in the making? 

We are looking forward to being back together as Year 2 in the afternoons next week and hearing all about what it is like in Year 3. Do ask if you have any questions.

We'll see you on Wednesday,

The Year 2 Team


Update 20/6/24

We hope you had a good break and now we're on the last lap! The children have been working very hard during assessment week. All the hard work on arithmetic is really paying off - some really excellent mathematicians! Well done everybody. We had a midweek 'Harribo' boost to keep us going - very welcome! smiley

We are about to cover the last maths topic unit then we will revisit past topics to maintain skills as well as continuing with the superb arithmetic work. We are also covering the final spelling unit in English and again we will now be able to revisit past Y2 spelling patterns and red words to keep them current. Science has been very exciting as we watch the seeds grow. Unbelievably many of the seeds with no soil are growing amazingly - a huge surprise. The children have been fascinated by our RE topic about Islam. We have learned some really interesting facts about the faith and how it compares to Christianity. In PSHE we are busy learning about medicines - what they are, who gives us them, why and how to be safe with medicines. 

We were all a bit disappointed that the rain scuppered sports day this week but the weather looks great for next few weeks - actual sunshine is forecast! It was clearly meant to be.

We are really looking forward to catching up with you all again for one last parent event in a couple of weeks. It will be an 'art' theme.

Do take care.

The Year 2 Team

Update 23/5/24

It's hard to believe that it's half term already. Only a few more weeks in Year 2. The children are so grown up now and they are already getting quite excited about moving to KS2.

They created some really brilliant poems entitled 'Through The Window' over the last couple of weeks. We had a lovely session sharing and reading them to each other. Some great future 'Poets' definitely.

Telling the time in maths proved quite tricky when we covered telling the time to 5 minutes e.g.10 minutes past 6 or 20 minutes to 9 etc. Please practise at home with an analogue clock. Thank you.

Our class tubs are well and truly past their best now. Our final science update noted that the plants have now gone to seed - so we have seen the full life cycle - excellent. We will be investigating 'Seeds' in science after the holiday and comparing them to the 'Bulbs'. We will be finding out 'What they need in order to grow and stay healthy'.

Have a lovely break and we'll see you all again after the holiday.

The Year 2 Team.

Update 9/5/24

We have enjoyed creating a healthy snack picnic in D.T. over the last few weeks - see newsletter. The children sliced, peeled, chopped and peeled then arranged the food onto a platter. The snacks looked amazing and were very delicious. We definitely have some budding chefs in our midst.


Good Bye Mr Taylor

Mr Taylor will be leaving us this week. We have enjoyed having him as part of our Collingham family and the children have enjoyed having him as part of the Year 2 team. We will miss him very much and wish him all the very best on his teaching journey.


We will be learning about safety indoors and out over the next couple of weeks which will be very useful with half term approaching. We are also going to be enjoying some poetry rather than a novel for a change.

It looks like summer has arrived. Enjoy the sunshine. The children recapped about sun safety too this week smiley

The Year 2 team


Update 19/4/24

What a week!

Our trip to Skelton Grange was brilliant. The children had a great time and learned lots of fascinating facts about minibeasts and different habitats. They worked very hard and were amazing scientists for the day. Well done Year 2! Pictures will be posted soon.

We are missing Mrs Shaw for a bit -  she will be back soon. Fingers crossed the reading books were correct this week - we didn't have Mrs Shaw working her magic. Mr Taylor and myself did our best. 

It's hard to believe this is our last term. The children are getting so grown up now. It really won't be long before they are heading to Year 3! We still have lots of great learning to come though and it was so good to have a trip to kick things off for the summer term. It was a fabulous day.

Take Care,

The Year 2 Team


Update 27/3/24

It was lovely to catch up with you all last week. Thank you so much for coming and playing our habitat games. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning with you and Mr Taylor enjoyed meeting you all. There are some photos below.

We hope you have a fabulous Eater break and we look forward to seeing you all again after the holiday. Check out this week's homework for information on a TTRS House Competition over the holidays.

Our trip is in the first week back after Easter which is a very exciting start to the summer term.

PE days will continue to be Mondays and Fridays but both will be outdoors - weather permitting.

Take care,

The Year 2 Team

Update 21/3/24

It was lovely to see you all this week at our parent afternoon. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their science knowledge and playing our science habitat games with you. We are really looking forward to exploring more habitats in science after the Easter break when we go to Skelton Grange environment centre. Mr Taylor enjoyed meeting you all and is really enjoying working with year 2 on his first placement. 

Easter is nearly upon us so we hope you all have a lovely break and we'll see you all in April.

The Year 2 Team

Update 7/3/24

Big Plastic Count & British Science Week

Please find the tally sheet on the homework page and the link for submitting results on the homework sheet (as well as on the email yesterday from school). 

It is going to be a very busy week next week again: counting plastic using our science skills to sort, comic relief on Friday and parents evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are really looking forward to catching up with you all next week. 

The Year 2 Team.

Update 29/2/24

We've had a great start to the half term. The children are thoroughly enjoying the tennis coach on Mondays and the dance coach on Fridays. We have started our new science topic of 'Habitats' and will also be monitoring the class tubs to see how our bulbs are doing. We will be going on a trip 18/4/24 (just after Easter) to explore plants and animals in different habitats - more details to follow.

This week we had a brilliant workshop about 'Diversity Role Models' which really made us all feel very proud of who we are. We also welcomed Mr Taylor who will be joining Y2 for his first teaching practice on 18th March for a few weeks. He will be in school over the next 2 weeks doing group work and preparation for his block placement. Do say 'Hi' if you see him around. 

We are looking forward to catching up with you all on parents evening soon as well as at our parents event in March.

The Year 2 Team.

Update 3/2/24

ASSESSMENT WEEK: We will be doing reading and maths assessments this week as well as editing our writing assessment done last week. We try to keep the assessment low profile and we know the children will do their best. 

Mental Health week: We will also be doing some sessions on mental well being next week. This will be a good opportunity to keep us all calm during the assessments. There's a useful guide for families to help you to talk about mental health to your children - see homework page ' Mental Health Week tips for families'. 

This has been a very short half term but we've packed in a lot of learning.The children are progressing brilliantly and getting so grown up! It's hard to believe that we are half way through the year already.  As always thanks so much for all your continued support.

As a heads, up PE after the holiday will remain on Monday and Friday and we will have a tennis coach for the Monday session and a dance coach for the Friday session. Very exciting!

Have a lovely half term break.

The Year 2 Team 


Update 6/1/24

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year. It's hard to believe that it's 2024 already!

We are starting the new year with our 'Vision Week' which is linked to our ethos and RE. We will be thinking about our vision statements of 'We are family, All are welcome and You are loved' and producing art work for the hall.

Our new topic will be 'Marvellous Materials' and we will be reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine' as our class novel.

We would like to welcome Miss Richards to the team. She has been shadowing in Y2 for a while and is now officially with us on a Monday morning.

PE days remain the same: Monday- indoors and Friday - outdoors.

We are really looking forward to a great new year with lots of exciting learning.

The Year 2 Team

Update 13/12/23

Nearly there!

The Christmas performances went brilliantly. We are so proud of the children. Thank you so much for all your support. Fingers crossed all the 'party clothes costumes' made it back home.

Next week we have lots more to look forward to. It will be our church carol service on Tuesday morning and the R/KS1 Christmas party on Tuesday afternoon. Some of the children are bringing home readings to do in church. They don't have to be learnt off by heart just practised to aid fluency. Thank you. On Wednesday it is the Christmas lunch as well as the 'Showcase'. Finally on Friday it will be Christmas Jumper Day. See Mr Cook's email 27/11/23 with the attached events letter as it has all the details for each event.

Thanks so much for all your support during this busy time. Do get in touch if you have any questions.

The Year 2 Team.

Update 21/11/23

Nativity rehearsals are in full swing now. Thank you so much for helping the children to practise their lines and also practise 'Away in a Manger'. We will be practising in school too over the next weeks ready for our performance.

Many Thanks,

The Year 2 team

Update 17/11/23

It was so lovely to catch up with you all at parents evening this week. We really enjoyed sharing with you how amazing your children are. 

Thanks for all the bulbs. Our tubs are all ready for us to start planting next week - 'Thank you very much Mrs Waterson' for sorting them out.

We will be welcoming some students from Leeds Beckett university over the next 2 weeks. They are having their first experience being in a school. They will be helping out across all year groups to really get a taste of school life. Do say 'Hi' if you see them around.

The Nativity rehearsal schedule is in full swing now - very exciting! It does of course mean that the timetable gets a considerable squeeze. Regular slots will inevitably have to be adjusted form time to time. The children are really rising to the performance practices and we will be rehearsing in the hall properly from next week. We are really looking forward to sharing the play with you in December.

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team

Update 22/10/23

We've had a brilliant end to the half term with our parents event and the trip to the Railway Museum in York. It was so lovely to see you all at our 'vehicle making event'. The cars looked amazing - thank you so much and well done everybody! :)

The trip was a great success and the children loved seeing all the huge real trains. We even got to sit in the 'Bullet' train and imagine a journey somewhere. We spotted so many amazing things in the North Shed. It was a real treasure trove. We even spotted the actual old Collingham station sign - brilliant. The children were amazing and we were so proud. 

Photos for both events are on the way and will be posted this week.

Bulbs - science - please could the children bring in  COUPLE OF BULBS to plant after half term (spring flowering to plant in our class tubs - e.g. tulips). Many thanks.

Have a great break,

The Year 2 Team

Update 28/9/23

Year 2 are really settling into routines now and are working hard and it won't be long before our first celebration with you at Harvest. We have started to practice our Harvest Song which is included in this week's homework. Please help the children to practice ready for our Harvest Celebrations - the lyrics and music link are on the homework page. Thank you! :)

We are also really looking forward to our D.T. 'Vehicle Making' with you (11/10/23). We made our 'chassis' in D.T. this week and can't wait to add the 'body work' with you at our parent sharing afternoon. We will also be planting bulbs in science just before and after half term so that we can watch them grow over the next few months. There are messages about these activities on the homework page about boxes and bulbs.

Many thanks,

The Year 2 Team


Update 20/9/23

It's been a great start to the year and the children are settling into the routines now.

Reading Books - Big Cat reading books are coming home tonight (20/9/23). Phonic books will start from next week as we get into our RWInc guided reading groups.

We endeavour to to check past books on 'Boom' but it is not always possible to see every book read. If the children get a book again it will embed fluency. See homework page for more information about reading book routines.

Thank you for your support with reading.

Spelling - the first spelling test will be next Monday - 25.9.23 for Mrs Hughes English group. All 12 words will be tested - 6 red words and 6 unit words. Please don't worry! It's early days and it will take time to establish the system. 

Thank you,

Year 2 Team

Autumn 1 2023 - Reading books 

First reading book date - Wednesday 20th September.

2 reading books will be sent home every Wednesday. 1 reading book will be matched to their current phonic level and the other will be a comprehension and vocabulary book. Some children are also getting a copy of their current RWInc guided reader as well. There is a lot of phonic practice in these books. The children know what to do! There are sounds to practise, green words to sound out then blend and red words to read on sight. There are also handy questions for you to chat about at the back. Children will need to return all their books the following Tuesday.

Please note- Books will only be changed if books are brought in and the Boom app has been updated by 8.50am on the Tuesday morning. 


Thank you!

The Year 2 Team.


Autumn assessment week -  w/c 23rd October 2023 (we will spread some assessments over the previous week)

Spring assessment week - w/c 5th February 2024 (we will spread some assessments over the previous week)

Summer assessments (End of Year Assessments)- w/c 17th June 2024 (we will spread some assessments over the previous week)



Phonic Screening Checks will take place w/c 10th June 2024 for those children who are sitting this.

Important Dates:


KS1 Parent Welcome Meeting- 13th September 2023

Year 2 Parent Event (DT- Vehicle Making): 11th October 2023 (1.15-2.00 surnames A-Ha, 2.15-3.00 surnames Ho-Z)

Year 2 National Railway Museum trip- Wednesday 18th October 2023

Parent Consultation Meetings- Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th October 2023

Reception & KS1 Christmas Performances: Tuesday 12th December (2.00-3.00) and Wednesday 13th December (10.00-11.00)

Church: Tuesday 19th December (KS1 & KS2 are walking to church for the Christmas service)

Christmas Party: R & KS1 Tuesday 19th December pm

Christmas lunch: Wednesday 20th December

Christmas Jumper Day: Friday 22nd December


First week 8th - 12th Jan - Vision Week

World Book Day Thursday 7th March

Big Plastic Count & Science Week 11th - 15th March

Parent Consultation Meetings- Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th March 2024

Comic relief Friday 15th March

Year 2 Parent Event (Science- Habitats): 20th March 2024 (1.15-2.00 surnames Ho-Z, 2.15-3.00 surnames A-Ha)


Y2 Trip to Skelton Grange Environment Centre Thursday 18th April 2024

Year 2 Parent Event (Art- Gallery): 10th July 2024 (1-.15-2.30 all parents)



First homework will be set on Thursday 14th September.

Homework is set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday. See 'Homework' link below.


Reading - Daily reading is the most important homework.

Other homework includes spelling practice for a check up each Monday for Mrs Hughes' English group. There will also be maths linked to the week's focus and sometimes Big Talk prep for our writing sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  


Spelling - It is really important that Year 2 pupils work on their spellings at home which are written weekly in pupil's spelling logs. They are included on the homework and on the website for information too. There will be weekly spelling check- ups on Monday. Spellings will go home on a Monday or Tuesday in Spelling logs and will also be posted on the website. The check up will be the following Monday ready for a new set of words. The spelling programme is new for the pupils and takes a little time to establish the pacey routine.


Times Tables - Times tables will be introduced later in the year after we have covered multiplication in maths. Until then, we will be regularly practising counting in 2's, 5's and 10's (forwards and backwards!), and encourage you to practice this at home as well.


Please do get in touch if you have any questions about homework.


Hopefully it all makes sense and is easy to follow :) 


The Year 2 Team.


Summer 2024

Summer 1: Our topic will be 'On Our Doorstep' this half term. We will be studying the local area in geography.

Our class novel will be  'The day The Crayons Quit', as well as information texts about plants & habitats, regular reads of our Year 2 'Core Texts'. We will be looking at healthy food in D.T.


Summer 2: Our topic is 'Once Upon a Time'. We will continue to study plants. Our class story will be 'Hansel and Gretel' by Michael Morpurgo and we will be reading other traditional tales. We will also be reading 'Voices in the Park' and information texts in guided reading. We will be doing comprehension and pieces of writing inspired by our texts. We will also be sharing our art at our parent event.


We will spend time initially recapping phonics, spellings, handwriting and grammar from Year 1. There will be an emphasis on reading and we will be sharing texts in class in guided reading and at 'Storytime'.

Reading - Reading at home is very important. Please encourage your child to read aloud each evening and discuss what they have read. You can support your child by asking them questions about what they have read, help them to make predictions and explore what a character is thinking and feeling. Inference is a 'BIG' Year 2 skill so discussing texts is super important with those 'why' questions. Do use the question suggestions in lots of the new reading books. They are varied and can guide your discussions.

Spelling - Mrs Hughes' group spellings are in the spelling logs weekly (and on the homework weekly as well ). Spellings are tested on a Monday.



See below for English Term by term in Year 2.



We will be recapping work from Year 1 as we move through the maths topics.

See the link below for Year 2 maths.


Summer 1 & 2 2024

We are studying 'Plants' in science this year. We will be observing our bulbs to see how they are growing. We will continue to record updates on our bulbs. We will also investigate what plants need to stay healthy by planting seeds and studying how they grow.


Spring 2 2024 & Summer 1 week 1 & 2

Habitats - we will be finding out about animals and plants in different habitats, what they need to survive including foodchains. We will be continuing our learning on habitats at Skelton Grange where we will explore woodland habitats including microhabitats, pond habitats and meadows. We will complete our learning by researching foodchains.


See below for science term by term in Year 2.

Simple view of reading

Expectations for year 2 in reading, writing and maths.

Other useful links.