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Welcome to Reception!


Please read the sections of the website below for details about what we are learning about in the different areas of the curriculum this half term. We hope you enjoy reading our class page, where topic, literacy and mathematics information will be updated ready for the start of each half-term and the Reception blog will be updated fortnightly on a Friday. As always, there will be lots of photographs uploaded after all the exciting activities and events we get up to!



The Reception team for this year will be:


Mrs Swift (Early Years Leader and SLT) - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Miss Duggleby- Letheren- Alternate Wednesday afternoons, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Wilson (Teaching assistant) - Monday, Tuesday all day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings

Mrs Bolton (Teaching assistant) - Monday- Friday mornings and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all day



Mrs Swift is the Early Years Leader and will be teaching on Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning and every other Wednesday afternoon. Miss Duggleby- Letheren teaches every other Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Wilson is the teaching assistant every morning and Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Mrs Bolton is the teaching assistant in our class every morning and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, her focus will be on developing language and communication with the children in the different areas of learning, doing focused learning with the children and small group interventions. On Monday afternoons Mrs Swift is out of class doing lots of exciting leadership jobs for Reception and the whole school and so  This may seem a complicated schedule at first with lots of new names, but the children soon know who is teaching them and on which days. Sometimes there may be reasons that Mrs Swift and Miss Duggleby - Letheren need to be out of class for some extra time due to training or carrying out different roles across school, so we may change days occasionally or there may be another member of staff teaching the children. If this is the case, we will always talk to the children about it so they know who will be teaching them.


Welcome to Summer 2smiley

We hope you all had a good week off school. Wow! We cannot believe we have reached the final half term in Reception. This half term we will be thinking lots about the transition to Year 1. We will be making sure that we are very independent, particularly with our reading, writing and mathematics. 


Our PE day for this half term will be Friday - so please come in PE kit on this day.


Learning this half term


This half term we continue to focus on fluency when the children are reading, to help with this, please read with your child as much as possible at home. Encourage them to read words by sounding out in their head and also to recognise words they have sounded out before and read them fluently. Please read books more than once so that the children can read the words without sounding out by the time they hand the book in to be changed.


This half term we will also continue to focus on independence in writing sentences, in order to help at home please encourage your children to write sentences, try to let them to this on their own as much as possible and let them have a go at spelling words phonetically as they hear them. In order to achieve the Early Learning Goal for writing at the end of Reception, children need to be writing sentences without the help of an adult. The more children practise this skill the easier it becomes!


This half term we will be continuing with our topic  'Welcome to Cherry Farm' Our role play area has changed from a Vets to a Farm shop!

Please see the topic section of the website for a detailed overview of what we are learning each week.


In RWI we continue to recap the Set 2 sounds we have learnt so far. We will also continue with 'Big Writing' every Wednesday morning. This is where the whole class will sit down and write together- we will begin by writing simple sentences dictated by an adult and then as we progress we will think of our own sentences. Big Writing enables the children to practise the skills they learn during RWI session and develops their skills in sounding out words phonetically and independently. It also plays a big part in increasing their stamina for writing. Some children will have adult support for Big Writing.

We will continue to visit the school library this half term- dates for our library visits can be found in the Literacy section of the website.


This term we will continue with Show and Tell on a Monday, Show and Tell will be in house groups and we will take it in turns each week. During these sessions we will be focusing on developing children's listening and attention skills and also their speaking skills. See dates in the Show and Tell section



The team in Reception believe that the classroom is the third teacher and so we spend lots of time setting out the areas of provision and we can't wait for you to start exploring them! We believe that the there should be the same types of provision both indoors and outdoors so that your child can learn in the environment that suits them best. Our provision promotes choice, independence and cooperation it is organised in a way that enables children to develop key communication, language, literacy and mathematical skills at every opportunity, whether this be independently or with scaffolding from an adult.

We believe that learning in Early Years is a partnership between home and school. We really value your input into your children's learning and see parents as partners in this. You know your children the best and you will be able to tell us lots about their learning and development outside of school, which really helps us to build up a full and rounded picture of the children. With this in mind, our classroom door is always open. Any queries that you may have are hugely valued, so please do not hesitate to contact any member of the school team and we will be happy to arrange a meeting. We use tapestry all the time to update you with your child's learning and you can also update us with any exciting things you have been doing or key milestones in your child's development that you would like us to be aware of. We also use Tapestry to send out reminders and information, so it is useful to download the app on your phone or check the website regularly.



Please see the different sections of the web page below for more details of our learning this half term

Upcoming events


Wednesday 19th June- Sports Day- AM

Friday 21st June- Reception class church service

Wednesday 26th June- Reception parent event- PM- details to follow

Monday 8th July- Friday 12th July- Transition week- mornings in Y1

Friday 19th July- Last day of term



Reception blog


This section will be updated fortnightly on a Friday so please keep checking back for updates.



Rhyme of the Week

Our Rhyme of the Week will be added every Friday for you to enjoy with your child :o)


Homework may be set on a Monday and the children will have two weeks to complete it. However, we are aware that just being at school is a lot for Reception children and they are very tired after school and on a weekend, so we will only send homework where it is relevant to what we have been learning or is something that the children have shown interest in. Homework will either be maths based or more of a topic based learning project that you can do together as a family. Therefore homework might not be set every two weeks, so if nothing has been added to the website, please don't worry!


You do not need to return any homework to school. If you would like to, you can take pictures or make observations of what you have been doing and upload them to Tapestry.


Please make sure you read to and with your children every night.

Show and Tell



Show and Tell will be on a Monday. This is an opportunity for children to talk to, and/or show the whole class about something important to them. This may be something they did or created at the weekend or out of school, or it could be something from home that is special to them. Show and Tell helps us to get to know the children and their achievements and interests outside of school - it is also a fantastic opportunity to practise their speaking, listening and questioning skills. Show and Tell will take place in children's house groups.


Monday 3rd June- Lakes

Monday 10th June- Dales

Monday 17th June- Rivers

Monday 24th June- Moors

Monday 1st July- Lakes

Monday 8th July - Dales

Monday 15th July- Rivers






Characteristics of Effective Learning

Preparing for school

Reception mathematics vocabulary

Core Stories

Development of speech sounds

RWI sounds and pictures

RWI Letter formation rhymes

Parent video: How to say the sounds

A video showing you how to say the sounds purely

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Ruth Miskin on how to teach blending to children

Ruth Miskin demonstrates how to teach children phonics through assisted word blending. You can find out more about Ruth's Read Write Inc. Phonics approach at...

Simple view of reading

Rhyme activities

Maths books
