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Year 5

We are committed to safeguarding; if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of a child in school please contact a member of staff.


Think U Know - Keeping Safe Online



Dear Year 5 families, 

We hope you have had a relaxing half term break and have found the time to do some fun activities together as well as rest and recuperate ready for the final half term.  As we head into the final half term of the school year, we would once again like to thank you for all of your support so far in Year 5. We have an exciting last half term ahead and we can't wait to share all of our wonderful learning with you as the term progresses. 


Mr Duffy, Mr. Ferguson, Mr Seaton, Mrs Kinghorn, Miss Lilley and Miss Hicks


PE days

We will teach PE on Tuesday (Outdoor) and Fridays (indoor) for the  rest of the Summer term. 



In year 5, we use the CGP "10 Minute Weekly Workout" books for our homework each week. In addition, we will have weekly spelling tests and other homework will be issued as required. Full details of each week's homework can be found by clicking through to the homework section below.

Homework is due in on these dates: Friday 7th June, Friday 14th June, Friday 21st June, Friday 28th June.

Our spelling tests will be on a Thursday. 






Upcoming events


  • Thursday 13th June - Yorkshire Water Talk 
  • Wednesday 19th June - Sports Day 2024.
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st June - Assessment Week 
  • Friday 5th July - Visit from Kylie Grimes (whole school)
  • Wednesday 10th July - Year 5 Classroom Parent event
  • Monday 8th - Friday 12th July - Transition Week 
  • Friday 19th July - Last day


Great books to read for 9-11 Year olds

Long Multiplication for Y5 at CLEH

As per our calculation policy, this is the method that children from year 5 onwards must use for long multiplication.
