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Year 5

We are committed to safeguarding; if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of a child in school please contact a member of staff.


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Welcome to Year 5


The teaching team for Autumn Term 1 

Mrs Stanton will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday morning.

Mrs Questa will be teaching on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Hicks will be teaching on a Wednesday morning and all day Thursday and Friday. 

Mr Ferguson will be supporting us every morning. 


PE days

We will teach PE on a Tuesday and a Friday. 



In year 5, we use the CGP "10 Minute Weekly Workout" books for our homework each week. In addition, we will have weekly spelling tests and other homework will be issued as required. Full details of each week's homework can be found by clicking through to the homework section below.

Homework is due in every Friday.



Spellings form part of our homework and should be practised regularly over the week. A list of the spellings for this term and dates of the spelling tests can be found on the homework tab.

Our spelling tests will now be on a Friday



Reading forms part of our weekly homework and the children should continue to read regularly at home. Reading books can be changed on any day of the week. Please continue to record the reading on Boom Reader. You may also want to encourage your child to start to record some of their reading on Boom Reader too.


British Values

There are four different British Values that we will be learning about over the year.

The focus for Autumn 1 is, 'Rule of Law'



Upcoming events


  • Wednesday 11th September - Parent Welcome Meetings
  • Tuesday 1st October and Wednesday 2nd October - Dside Dave (Information to follow from Mrs Swift)
  • Friday 4th October - Whole School Flu Immunisations (Information to follow)
  • Tuesday 8th October - Harvest Celebration 
  • Monday 11th November - Thursday 14th November - Book Fair
  • Wednesday 13th November - Parent Workshop around Wellbeing run by Mindmate Support Team at 5.00pm


Our New School Prayer


As a school, we have created a new school prayer. Please help your child learn it at home. 


This is our school; everyone is welcome here.

Let it be a place of compassion and forgiveness,

Where love prevails and friendships flourish.

Through God’s love, may we serve our community

And make the world a better place.

Help us to remember that, together, we can make a difference.


Great books to read for 9-11 Year olds

Long Multiplication for Y5 at CLEH

As per our calculation policy, this is the method that children from year 5 onwards must use for long multiplication.
