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Autumn Term - Transport

Changes within living memory /local history

  • To know that there used to be a railway station in Collingham called Collingham Bridge Station.
  • The railway arrived in the 1870s, bringing connections to York, Harrogate and Leeds and the main lines beyond.
  • To name different types of transport.
  • To know that the way people travel has changed through time – more car travel.
  • To know that transport was different when their parents, grandparents and great grandparents were little.
  • To know how trains have changed over the last 100 years (steam, diesel, electric).
  • To know how cars have changed in the last 100 years. 


Bonfire Night and Remembrance Sunday as mini topics. 


Spring Term - Lives of significant individuals 

  • To know that McIntosh, Dunlop and McAdam were all British inventors.
  • To know about key events in their early lives and careers.
  • To know the names of the processes/inventions that they invented.
  • To know how their inventions have impacted on life today.


Summer Term 

This term will be a Geography focus.



