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Our class reader will be Malorie Blackman 'Pig Heart Boy'.



We will be writing shorter pieces this term, based around three picture books: 'Voices in the Park', 'FArTHER' and 'Fox'.  We will also be watching a short video called 'The Piano' and writing a letter from the main character to his wife during the war.


  • I can use a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the sentences.
  • I can use commas to mark phrases and clauses. (Commas for clarity.)
  • I use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.
  • I can use adverbs, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases to add detail, qualification and precision.



Reading: Linked to our picture books: 'Voices in the Park', 'FArTHER' and 'Fox'. 

Children to be able to understand what they read by:

  • checking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context
  • asking questions to improve their understanding
  • drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence
  • predicting what might happen from details stated and implied
  • summarising the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph, identifying key details that support the main ideas
  • identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning
  • discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader
  • distinguish between statements of fact and opinion
  • retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction
  • participate in discussions about books that are read to them and those they can read for themselves, building on their own and others’ ideas and challenging views courteously
  • explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, including through formal presentations and debates, maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes where necessary
  • provide reasoned justifications for their views.



Read Write Inc. Spellings

Unit 1 – 3 focuses on revising the different suffixes.

Alongside these will be the orange words, these are spellings on the word list for Year 5 and 6. A copy of these can be found in the back of their spelling logs.










