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Autumn 1

Homework 24th October

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


It has been a long half term and we think Y1 deserve a rest! We will not be setting any homework over half term except preparation for Big Write on the first Wednesday back. I have left some ideas in the other sections in case you do want to do anything.


After half term your child will receive a personalised homework sheet based on their assessments which will provide you with their specific next learning steps. 


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.


  • Capital letters - A-P (remember to start at the top)
  • Cursive letters - a-p (remember the lead in line) 
  • Tricky words - some, like, very, one, have, was, then, all, are, you, said, with, his, has, that (read and spell)



Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 6th November, Year 1 will be writing all about autumn. In science on the Monday and Tuesday afternoon we will be learning about autumn so hopefully Y1 will be well prepared. Please can you discuss the changes you see in autumn with your child and see what ideas they come up with. It is also a Y1 expectation then children can compare seasons for example 'Autumn is colder than summer' or 'In autumn the days get shorter'. Some areas to discuss are changes to the weather, what happens to the trees, what do animals do, any special events in autumn. COMPLETION DATE: 06.11.24



Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 8th November for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 08.11.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team.

Homework 17th October

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - M and N (please recap A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) 
  • Cursive letters - m and n (please recap a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
  • Tricky words - some, like, very, one, have (read and spell)



Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 23rd October, Year 1 will be describing some pictures using their senses. They will have the pictures available during the write. Please colour you discuss the pictures with your child and see what ideas they come up with. We are having a real focus on adjectives in class at the moment and using more 'grown up' words. For example, instead of big we could use enormous or huge. Please see the document section below for the pictures. COMPLETION DATE: 23.10.24



Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Thursday 24th October for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 24.10.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team.

Homework 17th October Documents

Homework 10th October

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


ASSESSMENT WEEK (14th-18th October)

Next week is whole school assessment week. I have attached some information in the document section below. If you have any questions about the document please do not hesitate to ask. COMPLETION DATE: 14.10.24.


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - K and L (please recap A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) 
  • Cursive letters - k and l (please recap a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
  • Tricky words - said, with, his, has, that (read and spell)



Big Write

Please see the assessment document below. 




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 18th October for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 18.10.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team.

Homework 3rd October

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 



The Harvest Festival performance will be on Tuesday 8th October. To help Y1 prepare, please could you look at the words of the song with your child (please see document section below). Children will be singing the whole song but each colour group will stand up and perform some actions to one of the verses. This should be made clear on the document. Thank you for your support already with this! COMPLETION DATE: 08.10.24.


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - I and J (please recap A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) 
  • Cursive letters - i and j (please recap a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
  • Tricky words - was, then, all, are, you (read and spell)




This week we have recapped the sounds 'ow', 'oo (zoo)' and 'oo (look)'. I have added an activity to the document section below which you may want to do with your child. COMPLETION DATE: n/a


Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 9th October children will be writing about toys from the present and the past which is what they have been learning about in their history lessons. Please could you talk to your child about what they have been learning about toys and see if they can tell you any differences and similarities between toys now and in the past. Children will have some sentence stems to support them. Some examples might be In the past toys were made of _____ because ____. In the past my grandma played with _______. Now toys are made from ______ like ______.  COMPLETION DATE: 09.10.24.




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 11th October for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 11.10.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. 

Homework 26th September

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 



The Harvest Festival performance will be on Tuesday 8th October. To help Y1 prepare, please could you look at the words of the song with your child (please see document section below). Children will be singing the whole song but each colour group will stand up and perform some actions to one of the verses. This should be made clear on the document. Any support with this would be greatly appreciated. We will be doing this daily at school. COMPLETION DATE: 08.10.24.


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - G and H (please recap A, B, C, D, E, F) 
  • Cursive letters - g and h (please recap a, b, c, d, e, f)
  • Tricky words - some, like, very, one, have (read and spell)




This week we have recapped the sounds 'ay', 'ee' and 'igh'. I have added an activity to the document section below which you may want to do with your child. The activities for the 'ay' and 'igh' sound include alien or nonsense words. We have started looking at words like this during phonics sessions in preparation for the phonics screen in June. COMPLETION DATE: n/a


Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 2nd October children will be retelling the story of the Lost Son. We have been looking at this story during RE sessions so children should have a good understanding. I have attached the PowerPoint below, please could you look at this with your child and make sure they can sequence the key events. Children will have pictures available during the write to support their writing. COMPLETION DATE: 02.10.24.




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 4th October for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 04.10.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. 

Homework 19th September

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - E and F (please recap A, B, C, D) 
  • Cursive letters - e and f (please recap a, b, c, d). Cursive f can be tricky so please do not worry if your child is finding this letter hard, we will spend a lot of time on it!
  • Tricky words - go, so, to, love, went, and (read and spell)




This week we have recapped the sounds 'ng', 'nk' and 'qu'. I have added an activity to the document section below which you may want to do with your child. COMPLETION DATE: n/a


Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 25th September children will be using their five senses to describe the pictures (please see document section below). Please can you discuss the pictures with your child to see what ideas they come up with and encourage them to use their imagination, this will be especially important when thinking about what they might be able to taste, hear, smell and feel. COMPLETION DATE: 25.09.24.




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 27th September for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 27.09.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. 

Homework 12th September

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - C and D (please recap A and B) 
  • Cursive letters - c and d (please recap c and d)
  • Tricky words - he, she, be, we (read and spell)




This week we have recapped the sounds 'sh', 'ch' and 'th'. I have added an activity to the document section below which you my want to do with your child. COMPLETION DATE: n/a


Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 18th September children will be writing about how the feelings monsters and why they might be feeling that way (please see the document section underneath to access the pictures). Please can you discuss the pictures with your child to see what ideas they come up with and encourage them to use the word because e.g. The monster is happy because he got an ice cream or The monster is sad because he fell over. COMPLETION DATE: 18.09.24.




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 20th September for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 20.09.24.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. 

Homework 5th September

Please remember we do not expect any work to be 'handed in'. 


Cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words.

Each week in class we will concentrate on specific cursive letters, capital letters and tricky words. We want to do this in manageable chunks for the children and give them the opportunity to really concentrate/focus on specific areas. Some of this you may feel your child can do already but it is just ensuring they are forming letters correctly (especially when starting cursive). It can be difficult to break 'bad habits' with formation if left too long so we are hoping this method will stop this from happening. The consolidation practice at home will then check your child can still form the letters and spell the words independently.


For capital letters we would like them to always start at the stop. For cursive, all the letters start from the line with a lead up. It is also important to note where the join is on the letter (at the top or bottom) this will be needed when the children start to join. There is a letter formation document in your homework pack to support with this. For the tricky words your child needs to be able to read and spell them. We assess tricky words daily during phonics sessions. 


This weeks letters and words are:

  • Capital letters - A and B
  • Cursive letters - a and b
  • Tricky words - the, of, no, me, my is (read and spell)



Big Write

For the Big Write on Wednesday 11th September children will be writing about what they can see in the pictures (please see the document section underneath to access the pictures). Please can you discuss the pictures with your child to see what ideas they come up with and help them put their ideas into sentences. They may want to add an adjective (describing word) to make their sentence more interesting. For example, 'I can see a cuddly bear.' COMPLETION DATE: 11.09.22.




Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For one more/less it is just asking questions such as one more than 38 or one less than 45 (the number square will help with this)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out in assembly on Friday 6th September for anyone who has completed a level. COMPLETION DATE: 06.09.23.


Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. 


Homework 5th September Documents
