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Physical Education

Our PE days for Autumn One are a Thursday and a Friday. Please ensure that you are wearing your school PE uniform, have long hair tied up and earrings either removed or covered with a plaster. On a Friday, Children are NOT required to wear a PE kit, however must be beach ready!


  • Thursday: Spiral PE - Indoor
  • Friday: Swimming




Year 4 will start their swimming lessons in the Autumn term.


Year 4 will be swimming every Friday, starting Friday 15th August and run until Friday 15th December. As swimming is a part of the national curriculum by the time your child leaves primary school we expect them to achieve the following: perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations, swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres and use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.


The children will need the following items:


A one piece-swimsuit should be worn for the lessons – bikini’s or two- piece type swimwear are not permitted. If your child has long enough hair, plaits are ideal for swimming days as the swimming hat goes on more easily.



Cycle type swimming shorts are permitted (shorts must be well above the knee). Bermuda style shorts or long shorts are not permitted as these can be dangerous. For reasons of safety, the swimwear should be sufficiently tight fitting to allow the freedom of body and limb movement without causing unsafe water resistance. In terms of the legislation that governs this, we are guided by AfPE (Association for Physical Education), Safe Practice in Physical Education and Sport 2012 and the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association).


  • Towel.
  • Goggles and swimming cap are optional.

Please ensure that your child arrives at school beach ready (already in their swimming costume under their school uniform), has a coat, underwear, towel and a bag on that day. We leave school at approximately 9:40am and return at 11:00am. There is no charge for swimming lessons.
