Home Page

Year 4

We are committed to safeguarding; if you have any concerns about the well being of a child in school please contact a member of staff.



Year 4 will now be focusing on the 3 times table!




Information on this page is in the process of being updated. Key information will be prioritised. 

Thank you for your understanding!

Welcome to Year 4 's Class Page! We hope you enjoy taking a look at all the amazing learning we are doing and take the time to read the useful information on here!

The Year 4 Team

In Year 4, if we believe we can do something,

we are half way there!


In our calm and thoughtful classroom we have Mr Langhan as our teacher 

and Mrs Wood as our TA, who will support the learning of all the children in the class.

Mrs Questa will teach you on a Friday afternoon, and every other Wednesday whilst Mr Langhan is out of class.


The children in Year 4 will develop:

 independence in their learning;

 co-operation, trust, resilience and perseverance through the School R.E.S.P.E.C.T code; 

and faith in who they are through the School's Christian Values


For the Autumn Term, P.E. will take place on Mondays and Fridays. On these days, please can children come to school in full P.E. kits.

On Fridays, children will need to come to school with swimming costumes/trunks on underneath their uniform/PE kit. Swimming lessons will start on Friday 13 September.


Any concerns or queries that you may have are hugely valued so please feel free to approach me after school. Additionally, I am available for more formal meetings by appointment which can be arranged by emailing the school office or by catching me outside.


So that you can take your learning as far as possible, this page will be updated regularly with all the learning and events that will be taking place. Each half term our learning objectives will be put up so that you know what we will be doing and fortnightly we will be updating you on all the latest news from class and any upcoming events that you need to be aware of.


We are really looking forward to our time in year 4 this year, and hope that you are too!

Mr Langhan, Mrs Wood and Mrs Questa

The Year 4 Team

Upcoming Events 






Formal assessments of children’s learning across the Curriculum will take place once every term. However, continual assessments of children’s learning will take place every day, from questioning, observing and marking children’s work.


School Council

Throughout the school, two children from each class are selected to represent their year group on the school council. Children who wish to participate prepare a speech or presentation of no longer than five minutes, explaining why they would make a good school council member. During the presentation, they will put forward practical ideas for how we could improve school life. Their peers will then vote for who they think will make the best councillor.



Reading at home is very important. Please encourage your child to read aloud each evening and discuss what they have read. You can support your child by asking them questions about what they have read, help them to make predictions and explore what a character is thinking and feeling. 


We will continue to use whole class guided reading, looking at a text together and studying various different comprehension skills. We will be focusing in the following texts throughout the Summer Term:


Times tables

As some you may be aware, the National curriculum requires that by the end of year 4 children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12. So this is the term to really push this at home and help children to master their multiplication and division facts. Learning by rote is one option (the old fashioned way!) and we use Numberlink boards at school (more information on the school website under the ‘About us’ and then ‘Curriculum’ tab). There are lots of great interactive games/ apps available on the net too. This is a good place to start:  




Lost uniform and equipment

Please ensure all clothes, lunch boxes, bottles etc are labelled. There is a box of lost property in the Year 4 classroom which is never empty and a cloakroom which is always scattered with lost items. Please encourage children to take responsibility for looking after their belongings and to check that lunch boxes ,and bottles in particular are taken home daily.

Our Classroom
