What a fantastic first week we have had in year 1! We are so proud of the children who have settled into their new year 1 routines brilliantly! This week, the children have enjoyed exploring their new classroom and spending time choosing their own learning in our provision areas. We have had some busy authors, artists, builders and even recyclers sorting the materials in our Science area. The children have also enjoyed playing games together and being shop-keepers in our role play area.
We started our history learning this week and introduced our enquiry question for our topic which will be; ‘How have toys changed in the last 100 years?’
We began by investigating what our toys are like today. The children enjoyed exploring a variety of toys to investigate what they were made from and think about their design. We were blown away by how well the children used key vocabulary such as: modern,plastic, metal, wood, electronic, remote controlled and batteries.
In maths, we looked at how we can sort objects into different groups based on their similarities. The children enjoyed working with a partner to think of different ways to sort the shapes.
” I have sorted them into red, blue, yellow and green. There are 4 groups.”
” I have put the triangles there, the circles there and the squares there.”
” I know! Let’s do it by size so big, medium and small,”