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Week 3

This week, in history, the children learnt about the changes that Florence made to Scutari Hospital. We considered the impact these changes had on the soldiers.


Lucy - “ They had more healthy food so they could get stronger and healthier.”

Austin - “ She cleaned the floors so rats weren’t spreading disease. The soldiers got better.”


Next, we explored the question: What did people at the time really think of Florence and how can we find out?
Elodie - “ We can’t talk to them because they are not alive any more.”

Devon - “ We could look what they wrote in their diary.”


Together, we explored sources written by nurses, doctors and soldiers at the time to discover what they really thought of Florence. Then, we used drama to share what we had learnt. We definitely have some budding actors and actresses in year 1! We used this as an opportunity to discuss equality during Florence’s time as doctors and soldiers were mostly men. We linked this to our RESPECT code.



Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

In DT, the children designed their fruit kebabs. They thought carefully about the colour and texture of the fruit they chose. Many children also decided to arrange the fruit in a pattern on their stick. 
