Home Page

Year 1

We are committed to safeguarding; if you have any concerns about the well being of a child in school please contact a member of staff.

Hello NEW Year 1 :),

We were so impressed with you during transition week and know you are more than ready to start Year 1 in September. We loved getting to know you a bit more during transition and hopefully you feel like you know us better as well. We hope you have a lovely summer a cannot wait to see you on Tuesday 3rd September!

From the Year 1 team



PE days for Autumn 1 will be Monday and Friday. The first PE lesson will be on Friday 6th September. 

Monday - Multi Skills (inside & outside - weather depending).

Friday - Spiral PE (outside)


Welcome Section

Hello Year 1,


Reading books - 2 reading books will be sent home every Thursday. 1 reading book will be matched to their current phonic level and the other will be a comprehension and vocabulary book. Children will need to return their books the following Wednesday in their reading folder. Books will be changed if the Boom Reader app has been updated by 8.50am on the Wednesday morning.  


The Year 1 Team

Your Year 1 team for the year will be:


Miss Thackray - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Mrs Hesketh - alternate Wednesday PM, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Stubbs will be the class teaching assistant on a Monday and Tuesday morning

Miss Richards will be the class teaching assistant on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning

Mr Ferguson will be the class teaching assistant every afternoon 


We hope you enjoy reading our class page. Topic information will be updated ready for the start of each half term. The blog will be updated on a Friday and photographs will be updated after an event. We will update this page regularly with all of the learning and events that will be taking place.


Thank you,

All the Year 1 staff

Upcoming Events

Monday 2nd September - Training Day

Tuesday 3rd September - First Day in Year 1 :) 

Friday 6th September - First PE lesson

Wednesday 11th September - Welcome Meetings (2.15-3.00pm)

Tuesday 8th October - Harvest Performance

Monday 14th - Friday 18th October - Whole school assessment week 

Wednesday 16th October - Year 1 Parent Event (A-Ma 1.15 - 2.00pm and Mc-Z 2.15 - 3.00pm)

Friday 25th October - Training Day

Wednesday 5th February - Year 1 Parent Event (Mc-Z 1.15 - 2.00pm and A-Ma 2.15 - 3.00pm)

Thursday 3rd July - Year 1 Parent Event (2.00-3.00pm)



Homework will be live on a Thursday morning and the completion date will be stated as this can change. Please note that nothing will need to be 'handed in'. Children will complete their 'Big Write' every Wednesday and information about the write is always set for homework so children can prepare. 


If you need any help or support with homework please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team.


You will receive a homework pack on Thursday 5th September which will support with learning at home. If you do not receive a pack please let a member of the Year 1 team know.


Reading books

Reading books will be handed out on a Thursday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Children will receive two books every Thursday. The first book will be a phonic book matched to the children's phonic level and the second book will be a fiction or non fiction book which focuses on vocabulary and comprehension. Reading records will need to be updated on the Boom Reader app/website. If you do not have a login for the site, please let a member of the Year 1 team know.


The reading books that children bring home are different to those we use in class for the teaching of specific reading skills. The home reading books are designed for children to ‘show off’ to you about how well they are doing with their reading. They should never present too much of a challenge or become a chore; we hope to foster a love of reading and an enjoyment of books that your child will carry with them into adulthood. Remember to read the books more than once and ask plenty of questions. Understanding the story is just as important as being able to read the words, so look at the pictures and ask questions about how the characters might be feeling, predict what might happen next or ask why a certain character did what they did.


PLEASE BE AWARE: Children may also bring home a RWI book that they have been reading in school, please read this book with your child and return it after two nights - this book will not be sent home on a specific day, it will just be when they have finished reading that book in school.


We continually assess your child in their reading all the time as part of their RWI lessons and will move them up to the next stage when they are ready. As well as your child's reading book, please continue to read other books at home and continue to read to your child daily if possible so that they are exposed to a wide range of different texts.

Tricky Words

This year we will be look at the tricky words in sets and introducing these gradually throughout the year before consolidating and recapping. For Autumn 1 we will be consolidating the set 1 words and beginning to concentrate on the set 2 words. If your child has learned how to read and spell these words we will move them onto set 3 if appropriate. 


We will aim to learn two of the words each week. We will look at how the letters are formed (cursive) and how the word might be used in a sentence. 


Set 1: First name, surname, I, a, the, me, of, my, no, is, he, she, be, we, go, so, to, love, and, went 


Set 2: have, with, like, very, some, all, then, that, said, are, was, his, has, you, one 


Set 3: out, were, your, they, there, where, come, once, friend, school, house, because


Set 4: to and too (difference), today, do, says, by, here, ask, put, push, pull, full, our, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Core Books and Poems

This year we will continue looking at 5 core books and poems as well as revisiting books read in reception. This will continue throughout the year with the aim of the children having a deep understanding of these core books and poems. We will refer to these books as their 'special books' and they will have access to them during provision time. Everyday before lunch we will look at one of the books and poems.


Year 1 Core Books:

Dogger (Shirley Hughes), Snail and the Whale (Julia Donaldson), The Selfish Crocodile (Faustin Charles), Shine (Sarah Asuquo), Jack and the Beanstalk


Reception Core Books:

Peace at Last (Jill Murphy), Superworm (Julia Donaldson), The Lion Inside (Rachel Bright), And Tango Makes Three (Justin Richardson), The Three Little Pigs


Year 1 Core Poems:

Nursery Rhyme - 10 green bottles, Michael Rosen - Do I know you?, Nonsense - On the Ning Nang Nong, Alliterative - Tim the Terrifying Tiger, RESPECT Code - Kind Hearts are the Gardens


Reception Core Poems:

Nursery Rhyme - Polly Put the Kettle on, Michael Rosen - Lunchtime, Nonsense - Hey Diddle Diddle, Alliterative - Peter Piper, RESPECT Code - Look After Your Friends

Letter and Number Formation

This year we will have a capital letter, cursive letter and number focus each week. Miss Thackray will concentrate on a set at the start of the week and then Mrs Hesketh on another set at the end of the week. These will then be recapped throughout the year and might be set for homework for consolidation purposes.


Our focus of these sessions will be to ensure that capital letters and numbers are formed correctly (always beginning from the top) and that children are comfortable with the cursive script. 
