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Summer 1 & 2


National Curriculum: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066: a significant turning point in British history.


Enquiry Question: 

How did women win the right to vote in Britain and what role did the Suffragette movement play?


Children will learn through a series of smaller enquiry lessons:


  • What was life like for women in Victorian England and was there a need for change?
  • What did the Suffragists stand for and how successful was their campaign?
  • Who were the Suffragettes and how did they get their voices heard?
  • How did Millicent Garrett Fawcett’s and Emmeline Pankhurst’s early lives influence their route into politics?
  • Did everyone agree with this cause and how do we know?
  • What was the turning point?
  • Enquiry question: How did women win the right to vote in Britain and what role did the Suffragette movement play?



