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Reception Blogs Summer 2

Growing up…

Our focus story this week has been Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have listened to and talked about several different versions of the story. In Big Writing they wrote descriptions of the characters of Jack and the giant. Our Science has been linked to the story and all the children have planted their own bean and are hoping to grow their very own bean plant! They have discussed what plants need in order to grow and are observing what happens to plants that have been cut (no roots or compost, just water) over time. Many children have also been helping Mrs Wilson to keep up with watering all our flowers and plants growing in out outside area too.

We have also been talking about being ready for Year 1 in preparation for Transition Week. The children have reflected on the huge amount that they have learnt over the last year, shocked that they didn’t used to be able to read or write! We are reminding them how much they have grown up over the year and that they are ready Year 1 and how much they’re going to enjoy it. 😊

Just a reminder that on Monday morning, the children should come into Reception Class as normal and we’ll take them through to Year 1. Every other morning next week, they can line up outside Year 1. Pick up is at Reception as normal.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team 😊

Summer at last!

It’s been another busy couple of weeks in Reception!

In Maths, the children have been estimating and measuring length and weight. Their estimating has really improved with practise. They were excited to tell me that today is the first day of a new season – summer! At last!

One of our focus stories has been The Three Little Pigs and the children have enjoyed retelling the story using small world toys, designing their own house with Mrs Bolton and even writing their own version of the story.

The children have been busy helping Mrs Wilson to look after all our growing vegetables – we hope some will be ready to pick by the end of term! We have also started learning about different types of plants and the lifecycle of an apple tree.

Today we had a lovely time during our first Class Church Service at St Oswald’s with Reverend Carolyn. It was lovely to see so many of you there. Photos to follow on Tapestry!

Next week, we are having a French focus week and our parent event on Wednesday afternoon will be a celebration of everything that we have learnt in French throughout the year. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Enjoy the glorious weather (at last!) and keep your fingers crossed for next Wednesday!

The Reception Team 😊

Where did the week go?!

The children have been enjoying playing outside this week, exploring equipment such as the mud kitchen, water toys, sandpit and climbing frame. It has been lovely to watch them working together and investigating.

The children have been really ‘on fire’ with their Maths over the last few weeks - impressing us with their understanding of number bonds, addition, subtraction, doubling, halving and shape – wow!

They are continuing to work hard in our RWI sessions with many becoming more fluent when reading and able to write several sentences independently.

Our focus on Nursery Rhymes has linked really well with History - looking at real life objects from the past and understanding the old language that many rhymes contain.

The next few weeks will be really busy with lots of exciting events coming up – Sports Day, our Class Church Service and our final Parent Sharing Afternoon. Our final topic focus over the next couple of weeks will be learning about growing plants, then we’ll move on to a French Focus Week and Special Places in RE.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team 😊
