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Week 3

What a fantastic week of learning we have had in year 1!


In DT, the children began practising some of the skills that they will need to make their animal puppets. This week, we learnt how a template or pattern is used to cut fabric to the right shape and size. The children had a go at drawing around a template to create a felt shape. We also honed our cutting skills and used these to help us cut out our felt shapes. We were so impressed by how focussed and determined the children were and they definitely demonstrated perseverance – well done year 1!


In history, our key question was ‘What types of toys did your grandparents play with and how can we find out?’

The children enjoyed working in groups to sort the pictures into the hoops according to whether they thought it was the type of toy only played with now, only played with in the past or both. The children were really good at explaining their decisions. We also had a special visit from some Grandparents who came in to talk to the children about the toys they played with. They even brought some to show them which the children absolutely loved!
