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Summer 2

Homework 13th June

Please remember we do not expect anything handed in for any of the homework activities. 


Assessment Week

The week beginning the 17th June will be assessment week. I have attached some information in the document section below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. COMPLETION DATE: 17.06.24


Big Write

For Big Write next week children will be retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk (this will be their writing assessment as part of assessment week). Please can you sequence the story with your child. Children will have key words and sequencing pictures available to them during the write. Please see the document section below for more information. The Big Write will be on Tuesday 18th June. COMPLETION DATE: 18.06.24



Please can you complete one of the arithmetic papers from the homework page if you have time. Let your child have a go at the questions themselves and then go through any corrections together. This will help with preparation for assessment week.


Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


In Summer 2, we will recap all the key skills above.  


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For number bonds to 20 we have been looking at the number bond to 10 and then adding a 10 to one of the numbers. For example if 8 + 2 = 10 then we know 18 + 2 = 20. 
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident.


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out on Friday 21st June in assembly for anyone who has completed a level. In order to get a certificate in the assembly on the Friday you will need to have completed your story record by the Wednesday. Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. COMPLETION DATE: 19.06.24

Homework 6th June

Please remember we do not expect anything handed in for any of the homework activities. 


Assessment Week

The week beginning the 17th June will be assessment week. I have attached some information in the document section below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. COMPLETION DATE: 17.06.24



Next week (week commencing 10th June) is phonics screen week for all Y1 children in the country. I am hopefully going to complete all the screens on Monday. I have re-attached some information below to support with the screen. COMPLETION DATE: 10.06.24


Big Write

For Big Write next week children will be retelling the story of Billy Goats Gruff. Please can you sequence the story with your child. Children will have key words and sequencing pictures available to them during the write. Please see the document section below for more information. The Big Write will be on Wednesday 12th June. COMPLETION DATE: 12.06.24



Please can you complete one of the arithmetic papers from the homework page if you have time. Let your child have a go at the questions themselves and then go through any corrections together. This will help with preparation for assessment week.


Maths homework this year will be focussed on our basic skills and NumBots. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to:

  • Say 1 more/less for numbers to 100
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards (and from any given number)
  • Know doubles (up to 12) and halves (up to 24)
  • Know number bonds to 5,10 and 20 


In Summer 2, we will recap all the key skills above.  


We have found these skills are best covered little but often. If you could find 5 minutes 3x a week to practise the above it would be greatly appreciated. If your child needs a number line, number square or manipulatives to help with this to begin with then that is absolutely fine. This is best done verbally as the aim is for rapid recall.

  • For number bonds to 20 we have been looking at the number bond to 10 and then adding a 10 to one of the numbers. For example if 8 + 2 = 10 then we know 18 + 2 = 20. 
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - Use the number square to spot the pattern and then try without when confident.


NUMBOTS - NumBots will continue this year and I will set challenges as well where appropriate. Please can you carry on completing your story record this week. Certificates will be handed out on Friday 14th June in assembly for anyone who has completed a level. In order to get a certificate in the assembly on the Friday you will need to have completed your story record by the Wednesday. Any questions about maths, please ask a member of the Year 1 team. COMPLETION DATE: 12.06.24

